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Coshocton to have second annual Ice Carving Event

| January 29, 2015

front page_ICECOSHOCTON – Our Town Coshocton is hosting an Ice Carving Festival at the Coshocton Courtsquare on Saturday, Feb. 21 from noon to 4 p.m. This free event features a chili cook-off with local ‘chili masters’, live music, wagon rides, food vendors, local and professional ice carvers, and master ice sculptor from Rock on Ice Productions will demonstrate their artistic craft. Spectators will enjoy sampling chili while viewing the ice sculptures displayed with lights around the Courtsquare located on Main Street in Downtown Coshocton.

Ice carving sponsors are still being accepted. Sponsors can choose a block of ice with their choice of carving that will be displayed on the street during the event for $200 to $250. Or sponsors can choose to be a festival friend for $50. If you are interested in participating as a local ice carver or in sponsoring an ice carving of your choice for display at the festival, contact Stacey Shiver at 740-294-0287.

The chili cook-off will also be held from noon to 4 p.m. There is a $15 entry fee to enter the chili cook-off and cash prizes will be awarded for first place ($300), second place ($200) and third place ($100). To participate in the chili cook-off, contact Cheryl Wantuck at 440-666-2652 by Feb. 16.

Our Town Coshocton is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, revitalizing, and promoting historic Coshocton County. A 501c3 founded in 2012, Our Town Coshocton has been responsible for the Coshocton First Friday Celebrations and the reconstruction of the sidewalks on the entryway bridge to Coshocton. For more information, contact Our Town Coshocton at 353 Walnut St., Coshocton, or call 440-466-2652.

For more information about other events, attractions and getaways to Coshocton, go to www.VisitCoshocton.com, or call for a free visitor packet at (740) 622-4877 or 800-338-4724.

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Category: Arts & Entertainment

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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