Coshocton to take part in National and Global Day of Prayer

| September 7, 2020
No matter your political or spiritual beliefs, there is one thing most everyone in the world can agree on, and that is the year 2020 has been a year like no other, a year full of chaos and craziness, the likes of which have not been seen before.
From a world-wide pandemic, to an economic fall, to a lockdown like the world has not experienced in its history, to a social unrest that rivals the worst the world has seen in years past, the world as we knew it even a year ago has changed drastically.
Families have suffered financially in ways they never dreamt they would. The school system has had to adjust to ever-changing health recommendations and plan for a school year like no other. Parents have been forced to take on roles they had not planned to. Companies and businesses all over the country were required to shut down, and some closed altogether. Churches also closed their doors, and some still have not reopened.
Workers in every field experienced either job loss or had to learn how to work from home. Some workers had to continue to work, knowing their health was at risk by doing so. People were asked to stay home. Some were quarantined, and some were (and are) afraid to leave their homes. And people have died without loved ones beside them because not even family members were allowed in the rooms or the facilities.
People have experienced a whirlwind of emotions over the course of several months: fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, irritation and depression, just to name a few. Individuals have asked the questions: What is going on? Is this the end of the world? Is God judging us? When will things get back to normal? Will they get back to normal?
Many have felt powerless. Some have wondered, “Is there anything I can do about what is going on? Is there anything I can do to help the world get back to the world we once knew?”
People have been searching for hope, security and peace. And in a time of so much uncertainty, in a time with so much social unrest, it is crucial for individuals to find and have a sense of hope. It is vital communities gather together, join together in unity and in harmony, setting aside their differences and combining their efforts for the greater good of one another, their community and the future of America and the world.
The Rev. Billy Graham once said, “To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees.” And on Saturday, Sept. 26, there will be an opportunity to do just that as all across the globe groups will meet to join together in prayer.
A national group of leaders said America is experiencing a critical time in which it has been warned and that by the mercy of God it has been granted a time of reprieve in which the American people can turn and repent and ask God to spare the land from destruction. The group, which is led by Jonathan Cahn and Kevin Jessip and others, has started a national and global movement called The Return.
In their article, “What Will Move America from Rebellion to Redemption?,” Cahn and Jessip write that their hope and prayer is The Return will take “human beings everywhere from rebellion to redemption.” Cahn also stated in an article about his book, “The Harbinger II: The Return,” “Without repentance there can be no revival. And without revival America has no hope.”
In his video announcement for The Return, Cahn quotes the scripture, II Chronicles 7:14, “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”
The Return is designed to be a gathering to encourage people to gather, fast, pray in sincerity and repent. Accordingly, The Return is a national observance of prayer scheduled for Sept. 26 in Washington, D.C. that focuses on five acts that lead to God’s redemption of the human condition.
The acts include repentance, a 180-degree turnaround in a person’s heart and mind to turn away from a sinful, self-centered way within; reconciliation, a change in the relationship between God and man that involves acknowledging a break has occurred, forgiveness and letting go of offenses; restoration in one’s relationship with God; revival that is maintained by obedience to the Holy Spirit and being obedient to God’s Word; and reformation, where, as churches and individuals humble themselves, pray, and repent of personal, national and corporate sins, revival and the favor of God will occur.
Subsequently, Cahn and Jessip will be joined on Sept. 26 by a group of religious leaders on board with The Return such as Pat Robertson, Dr. James Dobson, Billy Graham’s daughter Anne Graham Lotz, Dr. Martin Luther King’s niece Alveda King and many others at the nation’s capitol where they will pray. They will pray for America, its leaders and for people all over the globe. This National Day of Prayer will take place in other cities, communities and churches across America at the same time.
As a matter of fact, right here in Coshocton there will be a group of pastors, reverends and spiritual leaders from all across the county who will meet together at the court square on Saturday, Sept. 26 from 5-8 p.m. to pray for the community; its police departments, EMTs, mayors and city council members; and the nation. The event will be open to the public, and everyone is invited to attend. Hand sanitizer, ice water, masks and Porta Potties will be available to those in attendance. Attendees are asked to bring their own chair.
There will be live music at the event and individuals sharing their testimonies. During the evening different areas will be prayed for, and pastors will speak about depression and other topics.
“We want Coshocton to know we appreciate the county. The country isn’t going the way it should, and we want to be there for people in this great time of need. People are looking for hope, answers and prayer, and we want to be there for them,” said Mark Aaron, one of the planners for the event.
Aaron explained there will be tables set up where people can go and speak to a pastor or spiritual leader regarding questions they have, struggles they are having, or if they want someone to pray with them.
Aaron encourages those who are unable to attend the event to participate from where they are that day by taking time to stop what they are doing, examine their hearts, and repent and get right with the Lord.
Similarly, Cahn said in his video announcement, “(The Return begins now) with you and me as we commit this time and this year for return, prayer, repentance and revival; to commit, first, to our own repentance and to begin actually living in revival, and then to pray for others, the return and revival of our nation, and the world.”
Aaron expressed joy that The Return is happening and that Coshocton gets to be a part of it. “We want to come together as a county, humbly before God, and repent, give Coshocton to God and do our part to get this country back to Christian values,” Aaron said.
Aaron also said it feels good stepping out to make a difference and said prayer is the lifeline and communication with God.
Aaron said information regarding this National and Global Day of Prayer can be found at
If you would like to donate to the event, volunteer or share a testimony, call Deborah Covic at 330-461-4247.

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Category: Faith

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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