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Coshocton Visitors Bureau receives marketing awards

| September 28, 2015

COSHOCTON — Jan Myers, director of the Coshocton Visitors Bureau joined other leaders of Ohio’s tourism industry in attending the Ohio Association of Convention and Visitors Bureau’s (OACVB) Annual  Education Conference, Sept. 16-17 in Gahanna.

OACVB President Larry Fletcher expressed his appreciation to Gahanna CVB Director Laurie Jadwin, her staff, and conference team for organizing the event.

“The OACVB education conference is always one of my favorite professional development sessions of the year and the Gahanna team really raised the bar!” said Fletcher. “The event was a perfect blend of educational and networking opportunities, plus the chance to experience some of Gahanna’s diverse attractions.”

During the conference, attendees learned more about working with bloggers through a panel discussion featuring Laura Kretler, Heather Rader and Betsy Decillis. Another educational presentation entitled the X + Y = Generational Marketing & Recruiting, by Ann and Al Turpin, outlined the challenges and opportunities the Millennial Generation presents for the tourism industry. Columbus restaurateur, Cameron Mitchell then addressed the group about his company’s philosophies for success.

The conference also included the OACVB September Board Meeting, a great networking event at the Ohio Herb Education Center, dinner at 101 Beer Kitchen and the OACVB’s Annual Middy Awards Luncheon which recognizes excellence among member bureaus for marketing and PR efforts.

MIDDY Awards are presented for destination marketing and tourism development. Monica Day, from NBC4 served as Master of Ceremonies. During the Luncheon, Day spoke about the U.S. Travel Association’s Project Time Off and the importance of leisure and travel time for Americans.

“The MIDDY Award name reflects our region of the country,” said Randie Adams, chairperson of the OACVB MIDDY Awards for 2015. “Recipients are recognized for excellence in objective, results, creativity and originality. 127 entries were received in print, advertising, promotion, social media, TV/Video, website and marketing campaign categories. All entries are judged by a team of experts in the communications, advertising, public relations, publications and/or tourism fields from outside of the OACVB membership.”

The Coshocton Visitors Bureau received two MIDDY awards at the conference – second place for the 2015 Coshocton Visitors Guide and a first place for the 2015 Shops of Historic Roscoe Village brochure.

Convention and visitors bureaus are best described as destination marketing organizations and are responsible for travel and tourism product awareness to visitors. Many outstanding marketing projects were submitted for the annual awards competition. Being recognized for a job well-done in the promotion of travel and tourism throughout the state of Ohio is a highly valued achievement.

“It is truly an honor to be recognized for our marketing efforts,” said Coshocton Visitors Bureau Director Jan Myers. “Our office has a huge job promoting all Coshocton County has to offer our visitors.  We focus our efforts on attracting travelers to Coshocton – specifically to spend the night in one of our lodging facilities. This is crucial because the Visitors Bureau is funded by the collection of the lodging tax paid by the visitor. This money is what allows us to continue marketing Coshocton County attractions and events.”

OACVB is statewide organization serving CVBs throughout Ohio helping them to maximize the economic impact of tourism via effective communication, cooperative marketing, industry education, legislative awareness, issue management, trend identification and professional development.

To contact the Coshocton Visitors Bureau, go to www.VisitCoshocton.com, call 740-622-4877, or stop at their office at the Annin Flagmakers Showroom at 432 N. Whitewoman Street in Roscoe Village.

Category: Business

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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