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COTC hosts make-it-take it event

| December 21, 2015

COTC craftCOSHOCTON – Kelly Welsh helped her 3-year-old daughter Bryly Welsh make a Christmas ornament Dec. 19 at Montgomery Hall at the Coshocton campus of Central Ohio Technical College. The make-it-and-take-it holiday craft, cookies and punch were coordinated by COTC and Girl Scout Troop 367 from Utica and were held prior to Roscoe Village’s final Christmas Candlelighting Ceremony of the season. Kelly’s husband Bryan and their other daughter 2-year-old Sadie Welsh also enjoyed the event. “We are new to the community,” Bryan said. “We’ve been here since June and are trying to do stuff in the community. Coshocton and Roscoe offer a lot.” COTC was honored to host the event and help bring people to Roscoe Village. “The community has always been so good to COTC,” said Teri Holder, VP of extended campuses. “Anytime we have an opportunity to give back to the community and open up our building we try to do it. We want people to know that this is their building.”

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Category: People & Places

About the Author ()

I started my journalism career in 2002 with a daily newspaper chain. After various stops with them, I am happy to be back home! I graduated from Coshocton High School in 1998 and received a Bachelor of Arts in Communication in 2002 from Walsh University. I also earned several awards while working for daily papers, including being honored by Coshocton County’s veterans for the stories I wrote about them. I am honored and ready to once again shine a positive light on Coshocton County. I also am the proud mother of a little girl named Sophia!

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