COTC introduces new board members

Meeting: The Coshocton campus of the Central Ohio Technical College introduced new board members at the annual organizational meeting held Thursday, Feb. 12 at the college located on Whitewoman Street in Roscoe Village. Pictured from left are: front, outgoing Chair Heather Rainwater, Rick Raach, back row, Amy Stockdale, incoming vice-chair Jan Myers and Ann Simpson. Other board members are: incoming Chair Lynn Jacobs, Dan Erb, Rick Merrell and Scott Silvestri. Beacon photo by Mark Fortune
COSHOCTON – The annual COTC Coshocton Campus Advisory Board meeting was held on Thursday, Feb. 12 in the boardroom of the Coshocton campus located in Roscoe Village. New board members were introduced and Jan Myers took the reins as chair from outgoing chair, Heather Rainwater.
Dr. Bonnie L. Coe, President of COTC, gave members an update on COTC and the Coshocton campus. Of special significance was that the COTC nursing program has met all six standards of the nursing accreditation for a two year college.
Brad Pulcini, Director of Gateway Operations for COTC, reported on enrollment and that two year college enrollment is down around the state due in part to a declining student population in the demographic that typically attends a college like COTC. However, COTC is pleased that they have exceeded their dual enrollment goals.
John McDonald, building supervisor for the campus, received applause for the outstanding appearance of the campus and for ensuring that the campus has stayed open despite poor weather this winter.
Howard Imhof, Director of ITS and Alice Hutzel-Bateson, Director of Marketing & Public Relations for COTC, provided the board with a presentation of the new responsive design website that launched in November. The website is fully functional on all smart phones, tablets and devices and board members were given the opportunity to experience browsing the site on multiple devices. Chris Reed was pointed out as playing a key role in the development of the website over the nine month period it took to develop.
Dr. Coe said, “We are so privileged to have Ann Simpson coming on to the board. Ann and her family have been tremendously supportive of the college through the years, and more specifically the Coshocton Campus. We also rotate each of the superintendents and this year Rick Raach, the superintendent at the Career Center, is serving on the board.”
“We are also grateful to Heather Rainwater for serving as our chair this past year.”
“I think that people are aware that the past few years have been difficult in higher education with enrollment. Many colleges and universities and two year colleges have instituted different cost cutting strategies. Our college has four full service higher learning commissioned campuses and we are absolutely committed to those campuses so rather than backing off, the past couple of years – in Coshocton specifically we have really stepped up our engagement in the community and our involvement. Our commitment is just solid in each and every one of our communities.”
Howard Imhof talked about the investment on a new external website, “We looked at this as an investment. We knew the value of such an effort and what it would bring to the campus and communities we serve particularly for prospective students. That was the main focus. We knew no matter what it was going to take, it would be worth it. It’s really about who we are and the commitment we have moving forward. We are excited about it – there were over 40 people involved across the college. It was going to be an 11 month project but we got it done in nine. It was a huge effort and one of things I can say about COTC is that all of the various areas of the institution it’s amazing how they come together teamwork wise and they’re willing to give you the time to pull off something like this.”
You can experience the new website at
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