COTC part of Independence Day fun
NEWARK – The annual Independence Day Concert and Fireworks display will be Wednesday, July 3 on the campus of The Ohio State University at Newark and Central Ohio Technical College. The event is free and open to all.
The evening’s celebration will begin with popular local singing duo Sticks & Stones to open the festivities at 6:30 p.m., followed by the Newark-Granville Symphony Orchestra (NGSO) at approximately 8 p.m.
A fireworks display will begin at dusk to the accompaniment of patriotic favorites performed by the symphony.
All performances will be at the Martha Grace Reese Amphitheatre. A number of local vendors will be serving food and beverages on the campus grounds during the event. The public is encouraged to bring lawn chairs, picnics and blankets for a fun-filled evening of music and entertainment. Free parking is available at the campus. The annual Independence Day Concert and Fireworks is fully funded by the Reese Family Foundation.
Central Ohio Technical College and The Ohio State University at Newark have forged an outstanding array of educational opportunities for the central Ohio region and beyond. This partnership is viewed as a model for higher education in the state of Ohio. At Central Ohio Technical College, students gain hands-on, applicable experience to begin working in the field, or to transfer those credits toward a bachelor’s degree program. The Ohio State University at Newark offers the best of the Big Ten educational experience, access to Ohio State’s 175 major programs, a rich research heritage, and academic excellence.
Category: Arts & Entertainment