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Council discusses needs of Coshocton during inclement weather

| January 31, 2022

At the city council meeting, held on Jan. 24, Amy Shutt was introduced as the new council clerk. Council members held a moment of silence for the previous clerk, Cherry Wilson, who passed away while battling cancer. Also, Mayor Mark Mills requested Terry Boehm be added to the City Health Board to replace Doug Speicher whose term expired.

Council spent the majority of the meeting discussing the needs of Coshocton with inclement weather being the topic. It is important for residents to know that it is Sheriff Crawford that determines the snow emergency level, and he must determine the level for the entire county. He is unable to call a level one for the city and a level two for the county.

Council would also like residents to know plow drivers are not intentionally trying to plow in driveways, nor are they trying to make it harder for residents to get out of their driveways. The plow trucks plow snow, they do not remove snow, and they do not plow driveways. The goal is to get the snow off the streets. There are approximately six plow trucks for the city, as long as they are running adequately, and there are six plow truck drivers. These drivers are working up to 16 hours a day trying to plow and salt the streets and roads, which equal approximately 25 miles of streets and roads to take care of.

Mayor Mills, who is very appreciative of the time and efforts of the public works employees, says these workers should be applauded and praised for their hard work, dedication and long hours. Mills encourages residents to “wave with all five fingers instead of one” when the public works people are out trying to make the streets of Coshocton safer. Waving to the workers shows appreciation and thanks.

The following are some helpful tips and reminders to residents this winter season. Residents and businesses are responsible for removing snow from their sidewalks and are not allowed to shovel snow onto their neighbor’s property. Citizens are strongly encouraged to help their neighbors when necessary and able. If you live beside an empty house, please shovel the sidewalk. It is important that sidewalks are free from snow and ice as much as possible as children are walking to and from school and postal workers are walking from house to house delivering mail.

If residents have an issue or have a question regarding snow plowing, they can contact Angie Williamson, public works assistant. Similarly, there have been issues with trash pickup, especially on alleys located on hills. While Kimble’s is working on ways to address these challenges, residents are welcome to contact Utilities Director Assistant Abby Moore, at abby.moore@cityofcoshocton.com.

The next city council meeting will be held on Monday, Feb. 14. Committee meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. Council meeting will start at 7 p.m.

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