Couple honored at West Lafayette Chamber dinner

| September 27, 2017

Husband and wife Dave and Debbie Rogers were honored for their many years of dedication, devotion and service to the village of West Lafayette and chamber of commerce during the annual West Lafayette Chamber of Commerce dinner held Tuesday evening, Sept. 26 at Schumaker Farms. Pictured are West Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Secretary Christy Patterson, Dave and Debbie Rogers and West Lafayette Chamber President Oren Griffith who said of the couple, “They are two of my best friends.” Mark Fortune | Beacon

WEST LAFAYETTE – West Lafayette Mayor Steve Bordenkircher welcomed everyone to the annual West Lafayette Chamber of Commerce dinner which was held Tuesday evening, Sept. 26 at Schumaker Farms with a meal of Swiss steak, ham loaf balls, corn, potatoes, salad, dessert and beverages catered by Schumaker Farms.

Local officials, members of the chamber, West Lafayette Homecoming Court, friends and guests were in attendance and introduced themselves giving a quick overview of what they do.

Chamber President Oren Griffith thanked Ronnie Lusk for his wonderful service as homecoming grand marshall and thanked him for his work at the event.

Members of the homecoming court were introduced to applause and given a small gift in appreciation of their time and energy representing the community at various festivals and events around the state of Ohio.

Dave and Debbie Rogers were recognized as the citizens of the year and chamber secretary Christy Patterson said during the presentation, “They are part of the backbone of our chamber” and the couple thanked everyone for supporting them through the years.

West Lafayette Chamber of Commerce President Oren Griffith said, “It took a lot of dedication and determination to pull off the fireworks display at this year’s homecoming and we want to do it again. It takes a lot of money – at least $5,000 to be like this year (2017) – an account is established at the Home Loan Savings Bank for the fireworks fund. I thank you for what you have done.”

Griffith said, “We are blessed to have the people in this community that are willing to help – we need unity in our country and what better place to start than in our very own backyard. Let’s make our city proud.”

West Lafayette Mayor Steve Bordenkircher said, “I am very elated with this. For our village to grow – our Main Street is a mess – the people here (at the chamber dinner) have the power to raise it up and make it much stronger than it has been and bring it back to where it was in previous years. These are the people that can do it. I just love to be here and to be a part of this and to see what we can accomplish.”

“It’s very clear that where there’s a lot of support it can happen – just take the fireworks – we were told that you’ll never raise the money – we did it in 30 days and that was enough for the fireworks show and I think we’ll do it even easier this year.”

Bordenkircher said about award recipients Dave and Debbie Rogers, “They are outstanding people. I’ve known them the entire time that I’ve lived here in the village and have been involved with them since the early days of the emergency squad, city council, the whole bit. They’re just tremendous folks who have their heart in the village and in the future of the village.”

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About the Author ()

Mark Fortune, along with his wife Nancy, is the former owner and founder of The Coshocton County Beacon, the highest circulated newspaper in Coshocton County. He has over 40 years in the publishing business with sales, marketing, and journalism experience. After selling The Beacon to the AloNovus Corp., in January 2020, Mark has been a Business Development Strategist with the company. They publish a network of weekly news publications with almost a half million distribution weekly, a quarterly tourism magazine and a digital division. Mark enjoys history, and has a passion for genealogy, currently researching and discovering his Fortune ancestry. He and his wife Nancy live on a small farm outside of Coshocton.

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