CrowTown ThrowDown Goat Show draws entries from several states

Entries in the Myotonic Goat show held at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds on Aug. 6-7 wait for the judge’s final decision. (Jen Jones)
A nationally recognized Myotonic and Boer Goat Show was held Aug. 6-7 at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds.
Travis Hahn was one of the organizers for the event. “We had a total of 598 entries (of Boer Goats). Our ABGA was larger than the Ohio State Fair ABGA Show. Between the Boer Goats (ANGA) and the Myotonic Goats, we had 11 states come to the Coshocton County Fairgrounds.”
“Coshocton County was very well represented,” Hahn said. “We had several local farms, such as TayRae Farm, Sunset View Livestock and Cannon Boer Goats that walked away with awards.”
Organizer of the Myotonic Goat Show, Amy Taylor, said, “The Myotonic Show has 122 entries from as far away as Wisconsin. Our judges traveled from Kentucky and Indiana. We are so grateful as well for the community who came out to spend time with us.”
Proceeds from the shows will be used to support local 4H and FFA youth. Hahn said the show also supported local AirBNB’s, hotels and restaurants. “We were blessed to have a ton of local businesses and individuals donate to the show, as well as volunteers to help manage and run the event,” he said. “We used local businesses to manufacture the awards. It was awesome to hear folks talk about Coshocton and the show, that were from out of state.”
“We were glad to represent Coshocton, help youth out and hopefully, promote the goat industry,” Hahn said. “We would like to sincerely thank the Coshocton County Fairgrounds for allowing us to host the event. It was a great team effort.”
Taylor and Hahn are planning to hold the event again next year, but nothing has been confirmed, yet.
Category: People & Places