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Deadline extended for farm management workshop

| February 21, 2020

OSU Extension and Farm Credit Mid-America has developed a workshop which will encourage farm managers to take a critical look at their financial management skills. OSU Extension and Farm Credit invite you to attend our Farm Financial Management workshop scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 27 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Coshocton County Extension office.

The goal of this workshop is to help farm managers build their financial management skills. Learn how to develop better balance sheets, farm income and cash flow statements, and enterprise budgets. Learn more how farm financial ratios can help you better manage your farm finances. Additional discussions will be held on benchmarking, record keeping and managing family living expenses. Our goal is to help farm managers move from just paying bills to being a chief financial officer.

The registration fee for this workshop is $10 per person and includes refreshments, lunch and program handouts. Room space is limited so we are asking that pre-registrations be made by 5 p.m Monday, Feb. 24. For more information, call the Coshocton County Extension office at 740-622-2265. A registration flyer can also be found at coshocton.osu.edu.


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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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