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Dog licenses are the easiest way to guarantee your dog comes home

| December 26, 2022
While many people may grumble about needing a license for their dog, assistant dog warden Ryan Conkle said they need to remember a license on their dog’s collar is the easiest, quickest way for their pet to get home safely if the dog gets loose.
“Microchips are good, but we don’t have a chip reader in the truck, and there can be problems reading the different chips. If your dog has a license on their collar, we can get your dog home to you at zero cost. If we don’t see a license, the dog has to go to the shelter until we find you, and there are fees with that,” Conkle said.
Conkle said anyone who finds a stray dog can call the dog warden at any time. If a license is on the collar, the dog wardens can log in to their phones and see who the dog belongs to and easily let you know where your dog is.
Dog licenses are required on all dogs over 90 days old, and you must get a license immediately upon getting your dog. There is no safe time frame, as some people believe. There are several ways to easily get a license for dogs. Indoor and outdoor dogs must be licensed, according to Ohio Revised Code.
If you have purchased a license in the past, the auditor’s office will send you a letter with all of the information you need to purchase a license. This can be done online at www.doglicenses.us/OH/Coshocton. This is for credit cards only, and fees do apply. You also can purchase by mail with the letter from the auditor’s office. Before Jan. 31, licenses are $15 per dog. After that date, it is $30 per dog. Three-year and lifetime tags also can be purchased.
You also can purchase licenses in person at the auditor’s office — cash, check or money orders but no credit/debit cards are accepted. Other places you can purchase your tags are All Paws on Deck Grooming, Buehler’s, Good Boy Bakery, Rural King, Russell’s Hardware and TMK New Bedford. Each satellite location will add an additional 75 cents to each tag you purchase.
“We always do everything we can to get dogs home to their families. Dog licenses are valuable tools for us to get your pet home safely,” Conkle said.

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