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Dog tag sales start Dec. 1, contest entries due Nov. 8

| October 6, 2021

One of the responsibilities of the county auditor is to license all dogs in the county. In Coshocton, nearly 9,400 dogs were licensed for 2021. Purchasing a tag for your dog is required by the State of Ohio. The tag has a number on it that identifies you as the owner should the dog get lost or separated from you.

As per Ohio Revised Code, 2022 dog tags will go on sale beginning on the first of December 2021, and will be sold with no penalty through Jan. 31, 2022. Any person who has a dog on his or her property needs to register it with the county auditor or one of her agents and purchase a tag. Dogs must be registered in the county in which the owner/dog resides.

The cost is $12 for one-year, $36 for three-years, and $120 for a lifetime tag. Kennel licenses that are not considered high-volume under state law are $60 and are available at the auditor’s office. If your dog was previously tagged in Coshocton County and your address is the same, you should receive a reminder by mail near the beginning of the registration period. Tags are required regardless of whether you receive a reminder, whether the dog is an indoor or outdoor dog, or whether you are just keeping a dog for somebody else. Penalties double the price of tags if they are purchased after the Jan. 31, 2022, deadline.

Chris Sycks, Coshocton County Auditor, is also sponsoring the fifth annual dog tag poster contest for children in kindergarten through fifth grades, and the fourth annual number one dog essay contest for grades six through eight. These contests were created by Coshocton County Auditor Chris Sycks to help promote community awareness of the importance of dog licensing and engage young people in a fun activity that hones their artistic and writing skills. Entry deadlines for both contests are Monday, Nov. 8. For more information, contact the auditor’s office at 740-622-1243.

Category: Government

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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