Donation made to honor Rev. Millspaugh
COSHOCTON – The Salvation Army and the services it provides to the community are near and dear to The Rev. Bob Millspaugh’s heart.

In honor: Pictured from left are Salvation Army Captain John Cornelius, The Rev. Bob Millspaugh and Shelley Howell from Bakersville Presbyterian Church. Howell’s church collected items and donated them to The Salvation Army’s food pantry in honor of Millspaugh.
“It is taken very serious by our church and other churches,” he said. “There is an incredible need in this community.”
The members of the Bakersville Presbyterian Church are fully aware of how important The Salvation Army is to Millspaugh and decided to honor him by making a donation to its food pantry.
Millspaugh, who will be 83-years-old next month, has worked with the Bakersville Church for at least 20 years.
“He’s given us a lot of guidance over the years,” said Shelley Howell, who attends the church.
Millspaugh also is active with the Coshocton Presbyterian Church, Hospice and United Way, but felt it was time to back off from some of his commitments.
“They decided that instead of giving me a gift they would take up a collection of goods to donate to the food pantry in my honor,” Millspaugh said. “At this point in my life I don’t need much so I think it’s wonderful that they did this.”
According to Howell, about 300 items ranging from canned goods to pastas to toilet paper were collected by members of the church during the month of February and donated March 7, to The Salvation Army.
“Our church is small, but mighty,” Howell said.
Salvation Army Captain John Cornelius was very glad Howell and her fellow church members thought of them as a way to honor Millspaugh.
“We’ve been very blessed,” Cornelius said. “No other community we’ve been in has seen so much support from the local churches. We are very thankful for all the churches that donate to the food pantry and these folks did a wonderful job. I think it was a perfect way for them to honor Bob.”
Category: Faith