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Donations needed for swine barn

| June 21, 2016

COSHOCTON – One ongoing project at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds is updates to the junior fair swine barn.

New pens can be sponsored for $250 or you can join the contributor board for the following donations: Bronze – $500; silver – $1,000; gold – $2,500; platinum – $5,000. All funds will help with keeping the barn renovated as needs arise.

Those who sponsor a pen can have their name, organization or other wording of their choice put on a 3×5 metal plaque that will hang on one of the new pens. At the end of the project a contributor board will be hung to recognize the bronze, silver, gold and platinum sponsors. You also can get your name on the outside of the barn by making a $50,000 barn sponsorship donation.

Checks can be made out to the Coshocton County Agricultural Society and sent to: c/o Hog Committee, 707 Kenilworth Ave., Coshocton, OH 43812.

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