Eagle Scout badges awarded

Scouts: Four local scouts were honored with their Eagle Scout badge at a ceremony held Sunday evening, May 4 at Prairie Chapel United Methodist Church. Left to right are; Michael Foster, son of Dave and Michelle Foster, Drew Everhart, son of Brent and Lori Everhart, Troop 438 Scoutmaster George Dickson, Corey Johnson, son of Dennis and Tracy Johnson and Brendan Dickson, son of George and Debbie Dickson. Photo by Mark Fortune
PRAIRIE CHAPEL – In a moving ceremony, four local Boy Scouts were awarded their Eagle Scout badge on Sunday evening, May 4 at the Prairie Chapel United Methodist Church. Boy Scout Troop Scoutmaster George Dickson could barely hold back the tears when it came time to fold an American flag with his own son Brendan. Dickson presented each Scout with an American flag at the end of the ceremony, helping them fold it in the traditional tri-fold, giving advice as they folded.
Boy Scout Troop 438 also dissolved following the ceremony which lent even more significance to the event.
Dickson said, “These four – I couldn’t be prouder. They accomplished getting the Eagle rank even though they knew the troop was coming to an end. They all finished the job, they did all of the work, they had the determination, they finished their projects, they did all of the paperwork that was necessary – even when it would have been really easy to give it up. These four boys did the job, so I’m really proud of them.”
“It’s sad to see the troop disband now, but these four did a great job. There have been a lot of good people come through Troop 438.”
“When I thought what to get them – I called over to Joe Douglass at Annin and asked him for four flags. Then I thought about a way to present each boy with their flag. I’ve always taught them to treat the flag with respect, to fold it right and to live honorably. Then it got to the point where I was going to fold with my son and . . . that’s tough. I’m really proud of him. Being a second generation Eagle and a third generation Scout, I’m really proud of him and all the boys.”
“I want to remember their time in scouting fondly and this is something meaningful for them.”
Family and friends applauded as each Scout was presented with their Eagle badge. The boys gave their fathers a pin and each mother had the honor of placing the Eagle badge on their respective son’s uniform.
Several former Troop 438 leaders were involved in the ceremony. Voices grew hushed as the Scouts joined in singing the Scout vespers to conclude the ceremony and bring Troop 438 to an end.
Category: Clubs & Organizations, Multimedia, Photo Galleries
Fabulous article and awesome pictures. We had a wonderful Eagle Ceremony that we'll always cherish.