Eagle Scout candidate leads major project for Roscoe Village Foundation

David Baker and Noah Adelsberger worked together on a patio project behind the Roscoe Village Visitor’s Center. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Life Scout Noah Adelsberger has completed a major sidewalk restoration and patio construction project for Roscoe Village Foundation as his Eagle Scout project.
Adelsberger, a member of the Boy Scouts of America Venturing Crew in Coshocton, wanted to develop a substantial project that would provide long term public benefit. The concept originated through discussions with David Baker, management consultant to the Roscoe Village Foundation and longtime family friend.
“Mr. Baker had discussed the importance of community support for the Roscoe Village Foundation and the need to improve village infrastructure,” Adelsberger said. “Roscoe Village’s south lot sidewalk had fallen into disrepair but was still used by Roscoe Village guests, COTC students, and clients at Jillian’s Salon. Our idea was to remove the elevated brick sidewalk to make the area more accessible for local residents and guests including families with small children, the elderly, and disabled. The reclaimed bricks and fill were then reused to build a large brick patio next to the visitor center picnic shelter.”
Chad Miller, Roscoe Village Foundation Facilities Manager, complimented Adelsberger’s dedication to the project.
“Noah showed great maturity and gained tremendous practical experience through the process,” he said. “Projects of this size are never easy and require significant lead time to develop a work plan, secure materials, and coordinate workers.”
“The opportunity to repurpose materials for the visitor center patio was appealing economically and environmentally. Approximately 4,400 bricks and tons of fill material were reclaimed and reused,” Baker said.
The 680 square foot brick patio will better serve area residents and Roscoe Village guests including students, families, and tour groups according to Baker.
Ann Simpson, president of the Roscoe Village Foundation Board of Trustees, praised Adelsberger and his team.
“We were delighted that Noah selected Roscoe Village Foundation for his Eagle Scout project and are so very pleased with the Venturing Crew’s outstanding effort,” he said. “We look forward to other Eagle Scouts serving with us in Historic Roscoe Village.”
Adelberger coordinated a team of 22 teens and adults who volunteered during the multi-day project.Additional support was provided by Hathaway Construction, Coshocton Lumber Company, Auer Ace Hardware, Smith Concrete, Cabot Lumber, Frontier Propane, Rural King, Coshocton Chiropractic Health Center, Roscoe Village Foundation, Dean’s Jewelry, and Mission Auto.
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