Elks Lodge donates $10,800 to Echoing Hills

Coshocton Elks Lodge 376 recently made two donations to Echoing Hills. Echoing Hills Village received $10,000 and Camp Echoing Hills received $800. Pictured from left are: Lauren Unger, camp administrator at Echoing Hills, Timothy Neville, president/CEO of Echoing Hills, Mike Wilson, exalted ruler/past exalted ruler of the Elks, and Steve Good, lodge secretary at the Elks. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – A little bit of change can add up and go a long way.
Every year the Coshocton Elks Lodge 376 sends coin banks out to members when it’s time to pay their dues. Five hundred to 600 of these are sent out and the goal is for each member to collect $3.65 worth of coins. Members who return their coin banks are rewarded with a free meal from the lodge and the joy of helping others.
“We collect those banks from the members and send the money to the Ohio Elks Association for its cerebral palsy project,” said Mike Wilson, exalted ruler/past exalted ruler of the Elks Lodge 376. “The state association then divides that money back up between the lodges for it to be used locally.”
For many years now the local Elks lodge has donated its money to Echoing Hills. This year’s donation included $10,000 for Echoing Hills Village and $800 for Camp Echoing Hills, which will allow for two individuals to attend camp.
“Anytime you can provide financial assistance to a program that is a good thing for the community and the Coshocton Elks,” Wilson said.
Echoing Hills is very appreciative of their support.
“For us this makes a huge impact,” said Lauren Unger, camp administrator at Echoing Hills. “Without their help we wouldn’t be able to provide fun opportunities for some campers. Campers benefit from this greatly and we try to choose new ones to receive this each year.”
Timothy Neville, president/CEO of Echoing Hills, said donations are a big part of what keeps the camp running.
“Donations help give campers the opportunity to do something recreational while learning about Jesus Christ, which is a huge part of our purpose and mission.”
Unger said the camp is still hiring for summer staff. Interested candidates are encouraged to visit www.ehvi.org/careers.
Category: Clubs & Organizations