Elks makes donations to community organizations

The Elks made $500 donations to four different organizations during a special presentation on May 18. Pictured in front, from left are Major Steven Pearl, The Salvation Army; Cathy Wegener and Karen Caley, Coshocton Canal Quilters; Marilyn Griffis who presented the checks on behalf of the Elks; and in back are Tony Wise, REACT and Jack Patterson, Honor Guard. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – The Coshocton Elks Lodge 376 decided to use its $2,000 grant to help not just one, but four local groups.
The Salvation Army, REACT, the Honor Guard and the Coshocton Canal Quilters received $500 each during a special presentation held May 18 at the Elks.
“Thank you for the support you give us,” said Major Steven Pearl. “We do the best we can to help those in need in our community.”
Tony Wise, who was there representing REACT, was very appreciative of the donation his organization received.
“Thank you everybody,” he said. “This means a lot to us.”
Jack Patterson who accepted the Honor Guard’s donation also expressed his thanks.
“We do probably around 80 military funerals a year and it’s an honor for us to do them,” he said. “Thank you very much for this donation. It will go to good use.”
Karen Caley and Cathy Wegener from the Coshocton Canal Quilters brought two of their patriotic lap quilts to show members of the Elks a project their donation will help with.
“So far they have made over 200 of these that you (our members) have helped us give out to veterans,” said Marilyn Griffis, who presented the checks to the organizations and is a past exalted ruler of the Elks.
Caley was very thankful that the Elks thought of them.
“Marilyn is a fabulous lady and it’s an honor for us to make these quilts for veterans,” Caley said.
Griffis said the $2,000 grant they received came from the Elks National Foundation and it could be used to honor and help organizations in the community.
“Most of these groups have to spend their own money so we wanted to help them out,” she said. “The Canal Quilters also have worked with us on a big scale and the Salvation Army was suggested to us by one of our members for the work they do with young people.”
Before ending the presentation, Griffis thanked the members of the Elks for their support.
“Thank you,” she said. “This is what your $10 a year donation to the Elks National Foundation can do.”
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