EMS shares non-transport protocols

| March 25, 2020

Ohio Emergency Medical Services State Director Carol A. Cunningham shared a memo including discussion on non-transport protocols for EMS.

During increased demand for EMS services, non-transport protocols can be one of the initiatives to improve resource utilization. These resources include, but are not limited to, EMS manpower, personal protective equipment, transport vehicles, decontamination materials, operational costs, and emergency department and hospital services. Most importantly, non-transport protocols can increase the availability of EMS services to patients with the greatest need improving abilities to save lives.

“This is a very confusing and stressful time, but I am confident that we will all get through it,” said Todd Shroyer, Coshocton County Emergency Medical Service Director. “We are fortunate to live in a great community that always pulls together to get through the tough times.”

He added that it is very difficult for his agency to suggest that residents don’t call them.

“But as we enter the period of time that we have all been dreading, and we start to see the coronavirus numbers increase exponentially each day, we have to save EMS and hospital resources for those who are the most ill or injured,” Shroyer said.

EMS will continue to respond to every call for assistance. However, they may not transport every caller, or they may transport to the respiratory screening clinic and not the emergency department.

For a video with helpful hints on when to call see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeZw4Jb0ukc&feature=youtu.be

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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