Enjoy Yellow Flag Sales

| May 5, 2016

WEST LAFAYETTE – If you love garage sales then you won’t want to miss the 2016 Yellow Flag Garage Sales in West Lafayette. There will be sales throughout the village and surrounding area Friday and Saturday, May 6-7.

When you are ready for a break stop by the First Baptist Church at 688 E. Main St. The women of the church will have a lunch stand at the church both days of the Yellow Flag Sale May 6-7. Please use the back door.

The menu will include: Chicken noodle soup, chicken sandwiches, sloppy joes, hot dogs, coney dogs, kraut dogs, nachos and cheese (meat available), chips, various desserts, pop, coffee, and water. Serving is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dine in and take out is available.

The First Baptist Church of West Lafayette also will have the food stand at the end of Burt Park. Money earned will go to the youth programs. The Burt Park Stand will have the same menu and serving times.

Category: People & Places

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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