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Exhibit to focus on technology in modern art

| April 1, 2015

COSHOCTON – The Johnson-Humrickhouse is pleased to present Teen-Age Talent now through May17. This special exhibit features more than 100 works by 77 artists from the county’s high schools. River View High School art students have set the theme for this year’s exhibit as Tech Art. A number of their works were executed using computers illustrating that technology has become another tool for a 21st century artist. Overall the exhibit is composed of a variety of media, from watercolors, acrylics and pastels, to ceramics, printmaking and metal sculpture.

Works for Teen-Age Talent were chosen for their outstanding quality by art teachers Myrtle Beall (Coshocton HS), Adam Wagner (River View HS), Carissa Dickerson (Ridgewood HS), and Joan Staufer (Coshocton Opportunity School and Alternative School). Artists Rex Emler and Todd Malenke will judge the artwork in four categories: Two-dimensional Fine Art, 3-Dimensional, Design, and Black and White Drawing.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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