Family dependency treatment court celebrates certification

Cora (center) holds her certificate of graduation and is pictured with some of her family.
Leondra Davis-FDTC Coordinator, and Van Blanchard II-Judge presided over the ceremony on Jan. 12, 2022 after Cora’s successful completion of all program requirements. (Submitted)
The Family Dependency Treatment Court of the Coshocton County Juvenile Court has earned final certification from the Ohio Supreme Court’s Commission on Specialized Dockets. The new certification is in effect from 2022 through 2024, and was celebrated in conjunction with its 52nd successful graduation candidate.
In order to receive the certification, the local court had to submit an updated application, undergo a site visit, and provide specific program materials in response to certification standards that went in to effect in January 2014.
Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor congratulated the Coshocton Program and Judge Van Blanchard II for receiving final certification. “Specialized dockets divert offenders toward criminal justice initiatives that employ tools and tailored services to treat and rehabilitate the offender so they can become productive members of society,” O’Connor said. “Studies have shown this approach works by reducing recidivism while saving tax dollars.”
The certification requirements include establishing eligibility requirements, evaluating effectiveness of the specialized docket, and assembling a treatment team for implementing daily operations of the specialized docket. The team can include licensed treatment providers, law enforcement, court personnel, and is headed by the specialized docket judge.
Judge Van Blanchard II was especially pleased to have a graduation ceremony so close to the start of the new certification, and invited members of the local treatment team to share in the success of Cora by attending a Zoom Meeting on Jan. 12. FDTC Coordinator Leondra Davis shared that Cora was committed early to her program that started on Feb. 3, 2021, and dealt with adversity without giving up hope.
Cora maintained employment throughout her time in the program, regained temporary custody of her two children after demonstrating commitment to treatment. Cora had done so well throughout her case that she was able to gain legal custody of her children and have her case closed at the time of her graduation. She appeared in court 25 times and submitted to 71 drug screens during her program involvement. The support team consisted of many community members that provided words of encouragement at the graduation.
Cora recognized the Upper Room Assembly as her pay it forward project, and a $50 donation was made in her honor to that organization by the Friends of Coshocton County Drug Court. In addition to her certificate of graduation, Cora received: Gold coin and display case, a family pass to the Columbus Zoo, and a gift bag from “By the Dawns Early Light” as well as cupcakes and cards from team members and other participants.
The Court would like to thank the following: The Friends of Coshocton County Drug Court, By Dawn’s Early Light, Papa John’s Pizza, and all collaborating community agencies for their continued support of clients in the FDTC program, which started with its first client in July 2014.
Category: Government