Fans enjoy Casee Allen’s music festival

Denise Bankes shared this picture of Casee Allen from his June 29 concert in downtown Coshocton. Contributed | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Fans from across Ohio came to support Casee Allen at his second No Name Town Music Festival. By 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 29 lawn chairs and pop-up tents were already set-up in preparation for the event.
Six musicians were featured at the concert. Rese Jhordan, Kylee Caudill, and Nick Walker played on the side stage set up on the courthouse lawn, while Brian Milson, Jutt Huffman, and, of course, Casee Allen played on the large, t-shaped main stage constructed in front of the artPARK.
Volunteers and long-time fans alike were excited to attend the event and sustain local music.
Samantha and Robby Bishop, a couple from Nashport, had seen Allen perform in Nashville before and were happy to support the festival’s musicians. They will be going to Nashville again in two weeks to watch another Casee concert.
On each corner of the courthouse square, enthusiastic workers with bright neon t-shirts were handing out tickets and chatting with fans. “I am admitting event-goers to the stage area and helping them enjoy this event” said volunteer Ali Keaton from Portsmouth. She knows the event organizers and was happy to help with this event.
Local man Tim Gottardi (also known as Uncle Tim), could be found under the Advanced Spinal Care & Rehabilitation tent, one of the many booths at the event. He told more about Allen’s story.
“I raised him. His music started in my backyard under a maple tree just for fun and it went from there. Three years later he was in Nashville.”
Tim credits Allen’s hard work for his success in music and looks forward to following his career in the future.
Category: Arts & Entertainment