FCA holds quarterly UNITE event

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes UNITE event started off on Jan. 26 with social time and a nacho bar for supper. Jen Jones | Beacon
COSHOCTON – A large group of high school students gathered in the gym of the Coshocton Christian Tabernacle on Jan. 26 for a Fellowship of Christian Athletes UNITE event. The evening started with social time and a nacho bar for supper.
The speaker for the evening was David Green, a FCA ambassador. He is a youth pastor who wanted to get involved in public schools and FCA allowed him to do this. His presentation was to remind the students that life is short and show them how to find their identity in Christ. “Basically, we need to do two things – obey God’s commands and fear Him.”
“Doing this feels right – God pulled me to work with teens.” When asked why he wanted to work with high school students, he shared that when he was that age, he got into a lot of trouble and even spent time in jail. “I realized I was living my life against what God wanted. I have a passion to keep students from following the path I was following at that age. Kids are open at this age. They will talk about anything if someone takes the time to really listen to them.”
One of the students attending the event was Samantha McCarthy who is in 10th grade at the Coshocton Christian School. “I thought FCA sounded like a cool idea – I’d never heard of anything like it. There are groups for athletes and things, but this brings us all together.”
Seventh grader, Janele Miller said her friends told her about FCA and she decided to come. “It’s really fun.” She also said that the singing was her favorite part of FCA. Kamryn Miller is an eighth grader at the Coshocton Christian School. “All my friends were going so I thought I would try it. I ended up really liking it and it brings me closer to God.
The next UNITE event will be Sunday, March 29 at the Tabernacle. Tanya Crevier, a basketball handler, will be the presenter for the evening.
- The Fellowship of Christian Athletes UNITE event started off on Jan. 26 with social time and a nacho bar for supper. Jen Jones | Beacon
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