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Fischer signs with Mt. Union

| April 20, 2018

Caleb Fischer signed with the University of Mt. Union on Friday, April 20 in the library at River View High School. He is pictured here with his parents and other members of his family who came out to support him.

WARSAW – Caleb Fischer has been swimming for the past six years and just recently went to the state meet where he was awarded 14th place overall and broke a school record.

“It felt good because I also got the River View school record as well,” he said.

Chrissie Fischer, Caleb’s mom, remembers that day at state very well.

“I looked at him and he had made it,” said Chrissie. “We had probably 35 to 40 people there watching him and it made me cry more because of all the people there supporting him. Being his mom and just seeing everyone there supporting him showed me the man that he’s become, his character.”

Fischer has decided to continue his swimming career at the University of Mt. Union where he will major in sports medicine.

“They were like a family when I went up there to visit,” Caleb said about his visit to Mt. Union. “The whole team came out and talked to me.”

Kristina King has been Caleb’s coach for the past four years.

“As an athlete, he’s grown physique-wise, but also maturity-wise,” said King. “When he came in his freshman year, he liked to goof around and have fun. But by the end of his freshman year, he realized that he had talent. He made me a promise that he would take me to state by the time he graduated, and he did.”

King said that after Caleb became dedicated to the sport, the two created a weight room schedule and increased his regimen.

“He’s always had a natural ability to swim,” said Chrissie. “He taught himself to swim at three to four years old and watching him this past year, his dedication and love of swimming was impressive. He didn’t take time off this summer. He was in the weight room early in the morning when everyone else was sleeping in.”

Corey Fischer, Caleb’s dad, said that swimming has been good for Caleb and helped him develop into the person he is today.

“He grew up physically into a man over the last four years, but he’s also grown as a person,” said Corey. “The swimming program has been really good for that. We watched him grow up as a person just as much as a swimmer.”

On Friday, April 20, Caleb signed with the University of Mt. Union in the library at River View High School where he was surrounded by his family and coaches.

“Stay focused,” said King about Caleb’s college years. “He will hear me always say that his grades come first, and remember to have fun.”

Caleb’s dad hopes his son will leave a similar mark on Mt. Union that he has left at River View.

“Don’t be afraid to ask for help,” said Corey. “People aren’t always going to be looking over your shoulder like they do here at River View. Help is still out there, but you have to ask for it. Don’t be afraid to make new friends and try to leave the same mark on another program and another school as he did here.”

Caleb said that swimming has always been a part of his life and that he hopes to continue the sport for many years to come.

“It’s soothing,” he said. “It’s always been easy for me, but you have to put the work into it too. I’d like to thank my family and friends for always being there to push me.”

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Category: High School, Sports

About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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