Folkert joins Ridgewood school board

Ridgewood’s new board member Alan Folkert is pictured at right receiving the oath of office from Jay Tingle, treasurer. Contributed | Beacon
WEST LAFAYETTE – The Ridgewood Local School Board met in regular session July 20 at 7 a.m. in the administration building.
Alan Folkert was approved by the board as a new member and given the oath of office. Mike Masloski, superintendent reported the following actions that were approved by the board for the 2018-2019 school year:
- Lori Buchanan transferred from kindergarten to first grade teacher.
- Devon Duling to RMS fourth grade science teacher.
- Brenda Starkey to RMS fourth grade math teacher.
- Daniel McVay as a district classified sub.
- Rescinded the eighth grade volleyball contract of Steffinee Webb.
- Dan Smith eighth grade volleyball
- Steffinee Webb seventh grade volleyball
- Morgan McDorman as volunteer for volleyball
- Kia Boling as volunteer for volleyball
- Cathy McCrea and John Riebesell as delegates to the OSBA conference Nov 11-13, in Columbus.
- Ashley Mason RES kindergarten teacher (hired at July 17 special meeting)
All new hires are pending successful FBI and BCI background reports, drug screening and proper certification.
The next regular board of education meeting will be Monday, Aug. 20, at 7 p.m. in the administration building at 301 S. Oak St.
Category: Education