Footlight Players to present ‘Incorruptible’

Practice: Chester Boffo and Alexis Kittel are pictured practicing an intense conversation during a scene from the Footlight Players production of “Incorruptible.” The play will be presented at the Triple Locks Theater, 685 N. Whitewoman St. on Friday and Saturday, May 6-7, 13-14, and 20-21. Curtain time is 8 p.m.
COSHOCTON – The Footlight Players newest production, “Incorruptible,” will take you from the Triple Locks Theater to Priseaux, France during the dark ages.
Everything seems to be going wrong for the local monastery and their Saint Foy hasn’t worked a miracle in 13 years. They hoped that a visit from the Pope would save them, but a rival church gets in their way by claiming they have the relics of Saint Foy and miracles are being worked.
“It’s a dark comedy, but it also has a love story and some conflict,” said Susan Gordon who directs the play. “I saw an excerpt of it at OCTA and was rolling in the aisles.”
“Incorruptible,” which is considered PG13, features Chester Boffo, Andrew Duffy, Amanda Gress, Mark Kittel, Alexis Kittel, Michelle Kittel, Michael Rainwater and Jeff Wherley.
“I’m blessed with this cast,” Gordon said. “There is not a weak person in it. They are so easy to direct. I couldn’t be happier.”
Wherley is excited to see the play come to the Triple Locks Theater.
“I was on the play reading committee and loved it,” he said. “We had to lobby a bit to get it though because it’s probably not for everyone. It’s very much irreverent in a secular setting. When I read the script though I laughed out loud and there are few that make me do that.”
Wherley, Duffy, Mark and Rainwater all play monks in the play.
“I’m Brother Martin,” Wherley said. “He’s the wicked one and the straw that stirs the drink.”
Mark said his monk is a bit of a special one.
“It seems like he was dropped on his head and never quite recovered,” he said.
Duffy’s character is the leader of the monastery.
“He’s the head monk, but he’s unsure of himself,” Duffy said. “He questions his faith and is uncertain in what he does.”
Boffo plays Jack, a minstrel who is married to Alexis’ character Marie in all eyes except those of the church and the law.
“I think Jack has a church background, but grew up on the wrong side of the tracks,” Boffo said. “He seems to do things wrong because they are easier, not because he’s a bad person.”
Alexis said her character Marie wants to be officially married to Jack, but he is hesitant to take that leap.
“She keeps trying to get him to settle down,” Alexis said.
Alexis is the daughter of Mark and Michelle and they recently moved to Coshocton from New York.
“This is the first time I’ve been in a play with both of my parents,” Alexis said. “It’s different, but fun. They are both great actors.”
Her sister Amanda also is helping out by doing makeup for the play.
“Theater is a way for us to explore the creative arts together and grow as a family,” Michelle said.
She plays a nun in the production and Amanda Gress is a peasant woman who doesn’t know how to take no for an answer.
“She is large and in charge and very rash,” Gress said. “This is my first time working with Susan and I’m enjoying the process. It’s a fun show.”
The cast will present “Incorruptible” by Michael Hollinger at the Triple Locks Theater, 685 N. Whitewoman St. on Friday and Saturday, May 6-7, 13-14, and 20-21. Curtain time is 8 p.m. For reservations call 740-622-2959 from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 2 to 4 p.m. on performance days or visit any time. Tickets are $12 for adults and $7 for students.
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