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Franklin Township Trustees to meet at East Franklin Township Building

| July 18, 2016
Franklin Township Trustees will hold their 6 p.m. July 25, monthly township meeting at the old East Franklin Township Building. Contributed | Beacon

Franklin Township Trustees will hold their 6 p.m. July 25, monthly township meeting at the old East Franklin Township Building. Contributed | Beacon

CONVESVILLE – Franklin Township Trustees, Denny Balo, Dean Shroyer and Larry Boal have decided to hold their 6 p.m. July 25, monthly township meeting at the old East Franklin Township Building located along SR 83 South, near Franklin Cemetery.  This is being done to raise awareness of the history associated with the building and to honor those who lived and served our community in the past.

The East Franklin Township Building was built in the last quarter of the 19th Century and served as a meeting place for township meetings, election voting, and as Franklin High School for three years (1915-18). Past township meeting minutes show the last time trustees held a regular meeting in the one room building was Jan. 25, 1958, where they then decided to hold all future meetings at the then recently built FCV Fire Station in Conesville. In prior years township meetings had been held in two locations: Conesville Township Hall during the months of January-April and October-December; and the East Franklin Township Building, May-September. Of special interest, it was at the May 28, 1955 township meeting held at the East building when then trustees, Raymond Evans, Robert Conley and Vernon Salrin, voted to establish the Franklin, Conesville, and Virginia (FCV) Volunteer Fire Dept. which continues to serve the community today.

During the decades following the last township meeting, the East building was used for storage by the township and deteriorated to some degree. Renovation has occurred in recent years and today the interior of the building appears as it may have during the years it served as a high school. A 48 star American Flag hangs on the wall along with pictures of Presidents Washington, Lincoln, and Woodrow Wilson, who was President during the high school’s operation. Also predominantly displayed is a large period print and frame of the Lord’s Prayer. There is a blackboard on one wall which came from Lincoln Elementary in Coshocton prior to that 1910 building being torn down. A functional pot belly stove remains in the building and is used in the winter by township employees during funerals at the nearby Franklin Cemetery. Electric was installed in the building in the late 1940s and two hanging lights remain although service was discontinued years ago.

Longtime local teacher, Kathleen Vinsel Bair, wrote a requested article in 1987, titled, “Memories of Franklin High School” in which she described her two years there as a student.  While reading Bair’s article today and standing in the little building, it brings forth deep appreciation for all the wonderful activities and improved lives that resulted from the high school “experiment” which occurred in the building 100 years ago.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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