Garden club presents community event

Town & Country Garden Club members pictured from left are: Phyliss Debnar, Catherine Kirch, Paula Hathaway, Ellyn Meiser, Karen Andrews, Roma Vance, and Rick and Cathy Hudson. (Submitted)
The Town and Country Garden Club will present a free public event called Get Growing in Your Community on Thursday, April 21, at 7 p.m. in the community room at Frontier Power, 770 S. Second St.
“We’re pleased to sponsor this event featuring several notable speakers covering a variety of gardening and horticultural topics,” said Phyllis Debnar, club president.
Dave Marrison, Ohio State University Extension agent and Master Gardener will talk about the importance of soil testing and adequate preparation for gardens. Renee Whinnery will present information about the Coshocton Farmers Market, and Jandi Adams, executive director of Clary Gardens will bring information about the activities and events featured there as well as present an update on the Coshocton in Bloom greenhouse construction project currently underway on Denman Avenue. Marge Erman with the Coshocton County Herb Society will also present their vision of growing friendships through herbs and how to grow a kitchen herb garden.
This event is free and open to anyone interested in learning about gardening and natural community beautification. Light refreshments and door prizes will be given courtesy of the garden club.
“We extend a cordial welcome to anyone attending this special community event and invite those who may be interested in joining the club to contact me or a club member about attending any of our regular meetings which are scheduled the second Thursday of each month at various locations,” Debnar said.
Future events include the club’s annual plant sale scheduled for Saturday, May 7, in Towne Center in conjunction with the farmers market.
The Town and Country Garden organized in 1947 is one of the oldest clubs in the region. The club has been affiliated with the Ohio Association of Garden Clubs since 1947. The club purpose is preserving, conserving, and artistically sharing nature’s beauty now and for future generations. Membership is open to anyone interested in gardening, landscaping, conservation, and protecting the natural environment.
Category: People & Places