Get out of debt and build wealth

| September 7, 2012

If debt has been in control of your life and you are seeking ways to change that, then you are invited to attend Financial Peace University (FPU) hosted by the Presbyterian Church in Coshocton.

This workshop works through the popular Dave Ramsey program and focuses on spending plans, getting out of debt in a step-by-step manner, investing, insurance, giving, and retirement plans.

Participants will attend classes one night a week for nine weeks from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, from Sept. 18 through Nov. 13, at the Coshocton Presbyterian Church. The facilitator for the class is Bob Brems, a local Dave Ramsey Certified Financial Counselor.

Cost for the nine-week course is $95, which covers all course materials and online resources. To reserve your space in the class, call the Presbyterian Church at 622-0486 or enroll online at Childcare is available, but please indicate that need at the time of registration.

For information, contact Bob or Mindy Brems at 622-9400, or the Coshocton Presbyterian Church at 622-0486. Anyone is welcome to participate in the class. The Presbyterian Church is located at the corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets in Coshocton.

Category: Community News

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