Gibbs aims to ensure internet access without government interference

| April 17, 2016

WASHINGTON, DC – The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) sole power to set prices for broadband internet access will be stopped according to a bill passed by the House of Representatives this morning.  H.R. 2666, the No Rate Regulation for Broadband Internet Access Act is in response to the FCC’s actions last year that reclassified broadband internet as a Title II utility. While FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler pledged at the time not to implement rate regulation, the legislation passed today would, by law, prevent any future FCC actions from implementing broadband rate regulation.

The House’s approval of the bill is a victory for advocates of market-based economics, says Congressman Bob Gibbs. “Affordable and reliable access to the internet is essential in an increasingly connected and information-driven world. However, I do not believe that government interference, at the expense of the needs and demands of American consumers, is the appropriate or correct action to ensure that access.  While Chairman Wheeler has continued to express support for not regulating broadband pricing, I want it off the table permanently.  That is why this legislation is needed.”

H.R. 2666 passed with a bipartisan majority. It now moves to the Senate where Senator Steve Daines introduced similar legislation.

Category: Government

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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