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Girl Scouts donate sensory boxes to local centers

| September 22, 2015
SENSORY BOXES: Kelsi Reynolds, left, and Jadn Lindig, right, pose with their sensory boxes they made for two local health and rehabilitation centers, the 311 Building and Three Rivers Therapy. The two completed the project for their Bronze Award in Girl Scouts. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED TO THE BEACON

SENSORY BOXES: Kelsi Reynolds, left, and Jadn Lindig, right, pose with their sensory boxes they made for two local health and rehabilitation centers, the 311 Building and Three Rivers Therapy. The two completed the project for their Bronze Award in Girl Scouts. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED TO THE BEACON

WEST LAFAYETTE – Jadn Lindig, 12 years old, and Kelsi Reynolds, 11 years old, have been in Girl Scouts for the past seven years and are currently members of Girl Scout Troop 107. Recently, the two decided to purchase and donate sensory objects to earn their Bronze Award and move on to the Cadet level to the 311 Building and Three Rivers Therapy for their sensory integration programs.

The items were purchased locally and it took about a week to put the care packages together. The girls put together two rice boxes, four sensory boxes, and two foot boxes. The sensory boxes included items such as pompoms, feathers, silk flowers, and even bubble wrap.

The rice boxes are used for patients to find a variety of items buried in the rice. The purpose is to help patients get feeling and movement back in their fingers and hands. Foot boxes are used as sensory integration for patients’ feet and are usually filled with rice or pinto beans.

The girls were able to take a tour of the 311 Building and got to sit in on a therapy session at Three Rivers. Both of them enjoy Girl Scouts and look forward to doing projects for their awards.

“All of these awards that Girl Scouts try to get can help them get into a better college,” said Lindig.

Both Lindig and Reynolds attend Ridgewood Middle School and are in the sixth grade. Their next award they are working toward will be the Silver Award.


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Category: Clubs & Organizations

About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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