Give the gift of blood in 2013

| January 14, 2013

COSHOCTON – Having blood products on hand is vitally important to hospitals.

“We were having a (blood) drive about 2 ½ years ago and a patient came in who was basically bleeding to death,” said Don Stroup, an employee of the lab at Coshocton Hospital and site coordinator for American Red Cross Blood Drives that are held there. “That patient was issued 106 blood products and during our drive we only collected 75. That right there tells you how important it is for everyone to give, which only 4 percent of the population does.”

The Hospital hosted a blood drive Jan. 11 and has another one scheduled for 1 to 7 p.m. Friday, March 15.

“Donating blood is a simple thing to do, but can make a big difference in the lives of others,” Stroup said. “The donation process from the time you arrive until the time you leave takes about an hour and 15 minutes. The donation itself is only about 8-10 minutes on average.

The steps to the process are: Registration, health history/mini physical, donation and refreshments.

“Your gift of blood may help up to three people,” Stroup said. “Donated red blood cells do not last forever and have a shelf life of up to 42 days.”

Donors are encouraged to come back every 56 days.

“Our donors are a valuable asset,” Stroup said. “Community members, employees and anyone who comes we just love. I can’t say enough about the response we get at our drives.”

The Hospital averages 50 to 60 people at each of its drives, but like other sites that host blood drives, there are several factors that impact the success of the event.

“The flu, weather, holidays and vacations all impact whether or not we reach our goals,” Stroup said. “Right now the negative types of blood are in demand.”

To find the next blood drive near you, visit or call 1-800-Red Cross.

“Remember to enjoy the feeling of knowing you have helped save lives and to continue to be a regular blood donor,” Stroup said. “You may schedule an appointment at the blood drive before you leave.”

Visit our website, www.coshoctonbeacontoday, for pictures from the Hospital’s January blood drive.


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About the Author ()

I started my journalism career in 2002 with a daily newspaper chain. After various stops with them, I am happy to be back home! I graduated from Coshocton High School in 1998 and received a Bachelor of Arts in Communication in 2002 from Walsh University. I also earned several awards while working for daily papers, including being honored by Coshocton County’s veterans for the stories I wrote about them. I am honored and ready to once again shine a positive light on Coshocton County. I also am the proud mother of a little girl named Sophia!

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