Gospel Hill celebrates Jesus with a birthday party

Several children gather around the birthday cake created by Gene and Nancy Akins at the birthday party Gospel Hill Ministry held for Jesus on Sunday, Dec. 11. (Jen Jones)
For about 40 years, a very special birthday party has been held at Gospel Hill Ministry. Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus and the church celebrates with a candle light service on Christmas Eve, plus a service on Christmas. But, Jeannette Davis, wife of Pastor Ron Davis, thought a real birthday party was needed and the party has been happening ever since.
This year, the church’s birthday party for Jesus was held on Dec. 11. The fellowship hall was decorated in blue and white with birthday balloons on every table. “It’s not just celebrating Christmas – it’s a true birthday party for Jesus,” said Pastor Davis. “There aren’t any Christmas decorations or colors used.”
Every year, Gene and Nancy Akins provide a beautiful cake for the party. Due to COVID, they have used cupcakes the last two years and those are provided by the Akins, too. After supper, Happy Birthday is always sung before cake and ice cream are served. “This helps set it apart from just a Christmas party,” said Pastor Davis.
The children’s program is held after the birthday party and is something the children of the church look forward to. Kaylee, 9, was excited to be at the church at night and to be in the play. Gabe, 8, said he was “way excited cause my mom and dad are here and I’m an obnoxious donkey.”
Gospel Hill Ministry is located at 27610 TR 45 in Warsaw. There is a lighthouse attached to the church that visitors can climb. There will be a candle light service on Christmas Eve at 7 p.m. with a Christmas day service at 10:30 a.m.
Category: Faith