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Gospel sing held at Rotary Pavilion

| July 24, 2017
Columbus State Gospel Vocal Ensemble entertained at the Gospel Sing held at the Rotary Pavilion on July 22. Jen Jones | Beacon

Columbus State Gospel Vocal Ensemble entertained at the Gospel Sing held at the Rotary Pavilion on July 22. Jen Jones | Beacon

COSHOCTON – Despite the lingering thunderstorms, the Columbus State Gospel Vocal Ensemble was full of energy and passion as they filled the Rotary Pavilion at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds with beautiful music on Saturday, July 22.  The group encouraged listeners to join in and to get to their feet in praise. Their motto is “When praises go up, blessings come down.”

Mary Fergali is the owner of Butterfly Productions, Unlimited and the organizer of the event. The mission of Butterfly Productions is to offer family friendly events for the residents of Coshocton. “I want to provide events that parents can take their children to without worrying about what they may hear. Our events will be appropriate for everyone.”

Fergali also said that she wants kids to see that they can follow their dreams without turning to drugs. “There is so much negativity in Coshocton now. I want to have positive events that the whole family can have fun at.” She has been thinking about this idea for three years and finally started the business when she moved back to Coshocton two years ago. “I wanted to do something that would make me happy.”

Fergali plans to hire artists that she knows from Columbus and enlist the help of friends who are in the entertainment business to help her find new acts. Most will be Christian artists, but she is willing to hire anyone who has a “clean” act.

Mary Jo Wells brought her son, Adam, to the concert. “We weren’t sure if they would still sing because of the weather, but decided to drive over. The singers are really good. I wish more people would have taken the chance to come.”

Butterfly Productions has several events in the works for the fall and next year. “I am hoping to have a Fitness Concert later this fall.” She explained that a Fitness Concert is one where attendees can work out during the concert or during the segments breaks. Fergali is also planning a youth event and a Gospel Comedy Show.

For more information on the events Butterfly Productions will be organizing, you can call 614-702-3096.


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