Grace Church celebrating 175th anniversary

| February 11, 2015

COSHOCTON – Grace United Methodist Church is blessed to celebrate the year-long celebration of its 175th year in Coshocton.

In 1840, Isaac N. Baird came to Coshocton to serve as the Methodist minister. He found only one Methodist in town, Mrs. David Spangler. With her help, they organized a society with 12 people in the jury box of the county courthouse.

In 1841, a meeting was held by the Coshocton Methodist Society for the “purpose of … erecting a house of public worship,” and members resolved to build on Third Street, between Chestnut and Locust Streets. In 1880, Mrs. Spangler donated the south half of lot number 56 on the corner of Fourth and Walnut Streets for a new building, to be erected and named Grace United Methodist Church.

The new building was completed in 1881, and dedicated free of debt on April 24 of that year.

Plans have been in the works since early spring to make this a time to celebrate this special gift from our ancestors, not as an ending, but a springboard for the future of Grace Church.

The official anniversary Sunday will be April 12, and at that time, Bishop John Hopkins will preach. Tom Havelka has written a commemorative piece of music for the occasion that includes the organ, choir, bells, and brass choir. They will recognize and honor their 50 year members and after the service, enjoy a meal in the fellowship hall. At that time, the time capsule that has been buried since 1976 will be opened, and new items will be placed in the capsule to be opened at the 200th anniversary in 2040. A new booklet about the history of the church will be available at that time.

Former pastors have been invited to return to Grace Church and preach during this year. The schedule is as follows: Feb. 15: Rev. Don Christensen; March 15: Rev. Clark Kandel; April 12: Anniversary Celebration with Bishop John Hopkins; May 10: Rev. Dr. William McFadden; June 15: Rev. Les Peine; Aug. 23: Rev. Brian Smith; Sept. 6: Rev. Cynthia Theobald; Oct. 18: Rev. Ray Kovach; and Nov. 15: Rev. Ruth Roth.

Join them for any of the services or any of the special services at 11 a.m. on the above listed Sundays.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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