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Guthrie family presents tribute to school

| December 22, 2020
Principal of Sacred Heart School Mary Kobel received a plaque and $1,000 for school library books in memory of Carol Guthrie, a former teacher at the school.
Guthrie was Kobel’s fifth-grade teacher. Many students at the school from 1972-92 had Guthrie as their teacher. Guthrie loved her time working at SHS with the students and other faculty. She took the lead on many things including science fairs.
One of the things she said often to her students was “Life is not fair.” That held true for Guthrie as she lost her husband at age 40. Then she was forced to retire early due to health problems. She moved to Columbus, and while living there, she met her second husband. They moved near Circleville, and she passed away in May 2019 in a care center there.
Her family presented the memorial to the SHS principal as Guthrie was an avid lifelong reader, even until the end of her life when she was reading on a Kindle with enlarged print.
If you have memories of Guthrie you would like to share with her family, you may send them to jannregan@gmail.com.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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