Head Start children perform for senior citizens

Children from Head Start handed out hand-made Christmas cards and gingerbread ornaments at the Senior Center on Tuesday, Dec. 20. In return, the seniors gave them items to use in their classroom. Beth Scott | Beacon
COSHOCTON – The Coshocton Senior Center had some very special guests on Tuesday, Dec. 20. Fourteen students from the South Lawn Head Start site came to the center to present the seniors there with hand-made Christmas cards and gingerbread ornaments.
The seniors had something to give the students in return. Each classroom from eight area Head Start pre-school classes received a bag and a bucket full of items that they can use in the classroom. An assortment of hats, scarves, and mittens were also collected and given to teachers to keep in the classroom.
“We have a very generous bunch of folks here,” said Jamie Williams, co-director of the Senior Center. “I think at this time of year, a lot of people like to give to help someone else, but they can’t, so we do something as a group here and together, we can make a difference.”
The event was originally scheduled for Dec. 15, but because of a snow day, they had to reschedule. Williams said that with all the Christmas activities happening at the Senior Center that week, they were glad they could still have the students come over.
“Tuesday was the only time we could fit them in, so we are so happy they could still come,” said Williams.
The students, ages three to five, also performed two songs for the seniors, “Jingle Bells” and “Going on a Bear Hunt”.
“We want to thank them (the Senior Center) for having us,” said teacher Tisha King. “This helps with community partnership and teaches the students social skills and kindness and that’s what we want for our Head Start kids.”
Category: Education