Health tech students explore CCMH

| September 11, 2013

COSHOCTON – Juniors and seniors in the Health Technology program at the Coshocton County Career Center spent last Thursday morning visiting Coshocton County Memorial Hospital and learning about employment opportunities and some of the functions of medical departments outside of general nursing.

“We teach applied practical nursing in the program, but there are so many other types of medical care that I think it’s good to expose my students to,” says Joetta Teckmeyer, instructor of the program.

Students also spent time visiting the human resources department, where Chris Norris, hiring manager, explained how important is to be a team player at CCMH. She shared that the hospital looks for newly-hired employees to take the initiative and help others get the job done, even if the task may not be a regular part of the new hire’s specific job responsibility.

Students visited the dietary department, the hospital’s lab area and the physical and occupational therapy departments, among others. While visiting the lab, Lab Supervisor Charlene Ianiello explained several pieces of equipment and their purposes. She described how orders come in and the type of services the lab provides to hospital patients.

“I really liked visiting the physical therapy department and thought the therapy pool was cool,” said HT senior Tilyn Howell (RWHS). “I’m really glad we got the chance to visit the hospital and see everything we saw.”

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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