Help Coshocton is Blooming spruce up the community, impress judges

Flower pots are starting to bloom with color thanks to volunteers from Coshocton is Blooming. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Judges from America in Bloom are coming back to Coshocton this summer and there are several ways you can help members of Coshocton is Blooming impress them.
The first is to plant flowers around your home that go with the group’s theme, Confetti Candy.
“Whatever colors you would see in a candy bowl are good to use,” said Judge Tim France, who is president of Coshocton is Blooming.
He said the theme was picked after the group did a Facebook contest and there are several flowers named after candy that you can work into your displays.
“There is a Bubblegum Petunia that is a proven winner,” France said. “It does really well and can take some abuse. There also is a Black Cherry Petunia and several flowers that have chocolate in their names.”
He encouraged anyone looking for ideas to match the theme to visit the Garden Patch. Debbie Gaumer from the garden center helps with Coshocton is Blooming’s hanging baskets and France works on the flower pots that are seen throughout town.
“The flower pots are going to look similar to last year, but with a few twists,” he said. “I’m trying to add some orange in them.”
Coshocton is Blooming took a two year break from being judged by America in Bloom, but is happy to welcome the judges back.
“We need motivation, a goal and a deadline,” France said. “They will be here Monday and Tuesday, June 26-27 and have spent the last two years doing things to increase our scores. It’s not all about that though. It’s also about improving the community. We’ve added many, many more flower pots since the judges were here last and increased our exposure and coverage area.”
The judges, however, don’t just look at what the members of Coshocton is Blooming have done. They also look around the community and see how people take care of their homes.
“People can help us by taking a look around their yard and taking care of their own property,” France said. “Maintain your lawn, take care of weeds in front of your house, in your sidewalks and driveways, paint if you need to and pickup sticks and trash. If you have a lot of stuff on your porch get it cleaned up and moved.”
Volunteers are always welcomed to help Coshocton is Blooming with projects downtown. The Coshocton is Blooming board meets at noon every other Friday, twice a month at Clary Gardens and those interested in helping the group are more than welcome to attend a meeting. More information about Coshocton is Blooming can be found on its Facebook page.
“It’s really about overall impression and cleanliness of neighborhoods as a whole,” France said. “That’s why we expanded our flower pots to a larger area. We want everyone to feel like they are included and part of our overall impression. It’s about pride in property and making our town presentable. If each property owner maintains their property and the town is attractive to people we can bring people, business and industry. If you don’t look good you tell the world you don’t feel good about yourself. We have to look good to attract others to our area.”
Category: Clubs & Organizations