HER organizing home buyers expo

| March 2, 2020

The HER Realtors Coshocton Office is planning to host its first Home Buyers Expo from 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 25, at the Thompson Business Center located at 550 Main St. in Coshocton.

Vendors who would like to be part of this fun and informative event can call the office at 740-202-0258 or call Melissa directly at 740-513-8956. There is limited space for each type of vendor (lenders, home inspectors, home insurance, home improvement, etc.), so be sure to make your vendor reservations early.

HER Realtors supports home buyer and seller education for Coshocton County residents and believes this expo can get local residents the information, connections and networking tools they need for the real estate market throughout 2020.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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