HER Realtors host annual awards luncheon

COLUMBUS – HER Realtors hosted its annual awards luncheon with a stacked house of leaders in real estate. More than 500 agents were recognized at the Villa Milano Conference Center in Westerville, for their sales and production numbers for their business in 2018.
HER Realtors remains the leader in real estate as their agents closed more than 12,000 transactions totaling $2.5 billion dollars in 2018. They also, outsold the competitors, according to Real Trends. In addition, residents in the communities voted HER Realtors their top pick and best of business for both residential and commercial real estate companies in public surveys hosted by Columbus CEO Magazine and CBUS Top Picks.
In Coshocton, many of the agents were recognized for their sales achievements. The Coshocton office, led by Carly Thompson received the Broker’s Club award. Thompson closed 36 transactions totaling more than $3 million in sales.

Thompson stated, “Our office is new in Coshocton, but we have accomplished so much in the time we’ve been a part of this growing community. I expect our sales production to grow next year and look forward to serving the people with all of their real estate needs.”
Nicole Maynard, licensed in 2018 received the Director’s Club award. Maynard closed 15 units and sold more than $1 million in sales.
The Coshocton office, located at 1502 Chestnut St. in Coshocton, currently has five agents consisting of Thompson, Maynard, Sean Williams, Dennis Thompson and Melissa Woody. Office hours are Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. You can reach the office at 740-202-0258 or online at www.HERRealtors.com.
Category: Business