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Herbal winter remedies workshop scheduled

| January 1, 2014

COSHOCTON – Is your household ready for what appears to be a long cold and flu season this year? Are there already upset stomachs and snotty noses taking over your home? Do not despair. There are ways to help stop and prevent these invaders from moving into your home and setting up camp. Learn about natural Herbal Winter Remedies at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 15, at Clary Gardens, 588 W. Chestnut St., in the Compton House (Red House).

This informative workshop will be taught and presented by Certified Master Herbalist Julia Brown owner of A Simpler Thyme Ltd. Each participant will enjoy herbal samplings and receive a wonderful herbal booklet full of wonderful recipes such as Fire Cider and Gypsy Cold Care. Class fee is $12 with proceeds going directly to the continuing growth of the garden.

Pre-registration requested by Monday, Jan. 12, by calling 622-6524. Leave a message if your call is not answered as the garden is currently on winter hours.

Clary Gardens is located at 588 W. Chestnut St. (SR 541 West) in Coshocton, just past the south entrance to Roscoe Village. For information about Clary Gardens, call 622-6524 or visit www.clarygardens.org.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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