Hill preparing for mission trip to Africa

Contributed | Beacon
COSHOCTON – About four years ago Macy Hill went on a mission trip with the church she was attending. Ever since then she has wanted to travel around the world and go on another one. This spring she will accomplish that goal.
“I went on a mission trip to Ecuador with the Coshocton Christian Tabernacle,” Hill said. “It was two weeks long and we went to build an orphanage and help the kids there. Around December I started research different trips and this one with Experience Mission fell into my lap.”
Hill, a Coshocton Christian School graduate who is now a freshman at Malone University, was accepted to go on a one month mission trip to Namibia, Africa that is being organized through Experience Mission.
“I was really honored to be chosen to go on this trip,” she said. “They interview students from all over the United States and Canada and this is just one of the trips they do. You have to fill out an interest form and then someone from the group contacts you to see if it is really something you are interested in. Then you fill out an application, are interviewed and have to give references.”
While in Namibia, Hill and a handful of other college students will serve in a local church and she will help as a teacher’s aide in the local school.
“I’m excited to live in their community and experience the life they live every day,” she said. “Hopefully I can help and make a difference there.”
Hill said she and another person from the group will live with a host family and through the local church they partner with will work on a feeding ministry and sports outreach and assist in other ways in the community.
She will leave on May 21 and return on June 21. The cost of the trip is $5,200, and that will cover all the costs of the trip such as airfare, food, and training. She held a Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser to help cover costs, sent out donation letters and is speaking at different churches.
“I’m about halfway there,” Hill said. “I’m so grateful and excited that people are jumping in and supporting me through this process. It’s been really amazing.”
Anyone who would like to contribute to Hill’s trip can give through the Experience Mission Website or mail donations to: Macy Hill, 20249 CR 9, Coshocton, OH 43812. If you mail in donations, make sure you write checks out to “Experience Mission” (with Hill’s EM UserID “Macy.hill3” on the bottom line) in order to keep donations tax-deductible. (All donations via the website will automatically be tax-deductible.)
“My past experience with going to Ecuador really changed the way I look at the world,” Hill said. “I’m really excited to be able to experience that again and see how another culture lives and help people while I’m there.”
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