Hillsdale Drive resident continues to bring water concerns to city council

Tina Dobson is determined to remind Coshocton City Council that the Hillsdale Drive neighborhood would benefit from being connected to city water. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Tina Dobson is determined to remind Coshocton City Council that her neighborhood would benefit from being connected to city water.
Dobson has been bringing the topic up to council for a number of years and at their July 10 meeting she came in bearing a sign saying, “Got water?” and carrying several empty jugs tied together.
“We are in desperate need of water on Hillsdale Drive,” she said. “There’s not much else I can say, but I have to keep drawing attention to this.”
Dobson also commented on Mike Jansen’s presentation who again returned to the council meeting to request the city change its mind about welcoming medical marijuana manufacturing facilities.
“My late son was a police officer in the city of Denver for 10 years and I know if he was here today he would totally oppose this,” she said. “I think it starts with good intentions, but then grows into something else.”
Greg Darr from Coshocton Metropolitan Housing also spoke. He shared with council that they are losing their HUD (Housing and Urban Development) funding and because of that are reorganizing to become a new entity. This transition also will include 4.5 million in renovations to bring their buildings up to green standards. He was asking council for a resolution for a grant being applied for to help them with their goals. Darr also explained that the city would not be connected with these changes and at this time no new housing would be built.
Later in the meeting Councilman Roger Moore asked Service Director Max Crown for an update on areas where plans for paving are being made. That list includes: North Third Street from Chestnut Street to the dead end; Locust Street from Second Street to Fifth Street; Sixth Street from Chestnut Street to Orange Street; South Seventh Street from the fairgrounds gate to Walnut Street; 12th and Ivy streets from Denman Avenue to Ivy Street / Ivy Street to 13th Street; North East Main Street from North 16th Street to North 18th Street; South 13th Street from Ivy Street to Denman Avenue; North 17th Street from Chestnut Street to North East Main Street; and North 15th Street from Chestnut Street to Walnut Street.
Category: Government