Holz wins $10,000 in fantasy stock market game

Autumn Holz was the first place winner of Greg Harrison’s Pick5 Fantasy Stock Challenge. She received her prize money on Oct. 9 from Harrison himself during a presentation at Edie Ryan’s restaurant. Pictured from left with her and Harrison are her husband Tim Holz, grandson Sawyer Farley, and son Nathan Farley. Contributed | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Playing the Pick5 Fantasy Stock Challenge turned out to be a huge blessing for Autumn Holz.
“I saw it on Facebook,” she said. “It’s like fantasy football, but you pick stocks. I’ve never invested in stock before. My portfolio just had companies whose names I was aware of. My last one I had to pick was a penny stock and the one I picked shot through the roof. You play for free and can trade (stock) as often as you want.”
At the end of the game the first place winner receives $10,000, second place is $2,000, and third place is $1,000.
Holz ended up coming in third and the creator of the game, Greg Harrison, came to Ohio from California to present her with her prize.
Harrison met Holz and her family at Edie Ryan’s restaurant on Oct. 9 and gave her an even bigger prize than she was expecting. He explained that Holz played by the rules, but the first and second place winners did not. They were disqualified and she was awarded the $10,000 first place prize.
“I was pretty amazed,” Holz said. “They were super nice people and I said I would spread the word about the game.”
Her husband Tim, son Nathan Farley, and grandson Sawyer Farley joined her for the check presentation. Holz said they had plans for the original $1,000, but aren’t certain what they will do with the $10,000 they won instead.
“Some will go toward Christmas, but we will probably save most of it,” Holz said. “We’ve been thinking of relocating to South Carolina at some point so that may help us out with that. This was a huge blessing for us.”
Pick5 Fantasy Stock Challenge was launched by Pick5 Media. This was their second competition and they plan to host monthly ones online at www.pick5stocks.com.
“I love the stock market and I love fantasy sports,” Harrison said. “I wanted to create a really cool game that was fun for everyone to play and they don’t have to risk any money.”
Sponsors make the prize money possible.
“The way it’s set up sponsors are a really important part of the game so there is value for them to be part of it,” Harrison said.
Awarding the prizes is the best part of his job.
“There is no feeling like it,” Harrison said. “You get to touch people’s lives, help them, and make a difference.”
The rules to the game are simple. Sign up and become a portfolio manager. Each PM starts by selecting a five-stock lineup. Once the market opens, your lineup is set for the day and cannot be changed. You can trade any of the stocks in your lineup, and trades will be executed when the market opens on the next business day.
“We have a lot of professional traders who play, but its designed so brand new investors can play too,” Harrison said.
The next challenge begins on Oct. 22. Read the rules and sign up to play at pick5stocks.com.
You can watch a presentation of the video by clicking here.
Category: People & Places