Hoop shoot lets youth practice basketball skills

This was Aaliyah Better’s third year competing in the Elks Hoop Shoot. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Basketball is a sport Aaliyah Better loves to play and the Elks Hoop Shoot gives her the opportunity to show off her skills.
The 2016 Elks Hoop Shoot was held Dec. 11, in the Coshocton High School gym. Any boy or girl age 8-13 was eligible to compete in the free throw shooting event.
Paul Bowman, who helped organize the contest, said participation was down. Better, however, has become a regular at the event. This is her third year competing and last year she went on to place third in the state Elks Hoop Shoot.
“I practiced almost every day for this,” Better said.
She plays basketball for the seventh grade team at River View Junior High School.
“I like being out and shooting,” Better said. “That’s my favorite thing.”
Her mother Ashley Better enjoys watching her play basketball.
“I love it because she loves it,” Ashley said. “She puts everything she has into it.”
Bowman said the local Elks have held a hoop shoot for probably close to 40 years.
“The Elks are good at giving back to the community,” he said.
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