Horse show lets area youth show off skills

Cassadee Woodward Wells is pictured in the show ring with her horse during the 2018 Coshocton County Fair Junior Fair Horse Show. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – The fair is a great opportunity to see how all your hard work with your animal pays off.
“I like working with my horse and training,” said Christopher Woodward Wells. “You spend a lot of time with them and now you get to see how you’ve improved.”
Christopher and Cassadee Woodward Wells were two of the many contestants patiently waiting their turn to take part in the junior fair horse show. The event was held Saturday morning, Sept. 29 at the Coshocton County Fair in Hunter Arena.
Like Christopher, Cassadee said she also enjoys spending time with her horse. Both had Haflingers they were preparing to show.
“Being in the arena can make you nervous, but it also can be fun,” Cassadee said.

Madison Whitt didn’t let a foot injury stop her from competing in the junior fair horse show at the Coshocton County Fair. Josie Sellers | Beacon
Paige Shroyer had just finished up her showmanship and was waiting for riding events to start.
“I love everything about horses,” she said. “I like taking care of them and the whole process of getting to come here and show what you can do.”
Working with horses has been a way of life for Morgan Woolard.
“I’ve been around them since before I could walk,” she said. “I like the connection I have with my horse. He takes care of me as long as I take care of him. He never lets me down.”
Woolard’s favorite events at the horse show are the riding ones.
“Cantering is my favorite thing to do, but I really just love making him move and the way it feels.”
While Madison Whitt was busy showing one of her horses, her sister Marissa Whitt was in the barn helping to get another ready for her.
“I love helping her and I know she appreciates that I do,” said Marissa, who takes part in the open class horse show.
She explained that to get the horses ready to show, they need to make sure they are clean and sleek, their mane is nice and neat and that their hooves are trimmed. Her sister’s horse also had its hooves painted to give it an extra touch.
Marissa was especially proud of her sister’s efforts at this year’s fair.
“She broke her foot two days ago and she is still out there showing,” Marissa said.
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