Hypnosis may help you relax, discover subconscious

COSHOCTON – Terry Miller, retired director from Coshocton County Job and Family Services, has recently become a licensed life coach and has his office out of Alternative Therapies and Massage at 409 Main St.
Miller started in children’s services as a social worker in 1980 and in the 1990s, he earned his master’s in counselling. When children’s services merged with another agency to become Coshocton County Job and Family Services, Miller became the director of the newly-founded agency on July 1, 2000.
“After that, I did part time family meetings with Job and Family Service where we were trying to look for places for children to go who had substance issues from abuse and neglect,” he said. “I also worked at juvenile court as guardian ad litem where I represented the best interest of the child.”
In July 2017, Miller started doing part time work as a life coach. He was trained in hypnosis in 2013.
“This kind of opened up,” said Miller. “I’d known Kristy (owner of Alternative Therapies and Massage) for a while and I told her I was interested in starting a practice. Kristy said she had a room available that I could use.”
Miller’s life coach session lasts two hours.
“First, I gather information from the client and do a genogram, which is a family tree going back to three or four generations,” said Miller. “I gather information about the family and family dynamics and ask what questions people have about their background and concerns about patterns or behaviors. We figure out what’s on their mind and what they want to resolve.”
During the second half of the session, Miller puts his clients in a state of hypnosis.
“You’re going into a deep relaxation,” said Miller. “By doing that, we allow ourselves to get involved with our deeper selves. We’re going into the subconscious. By slowing down the brain waves, you’re allowing the conscious mind to let the subconscious mind come forward. This puts you in a state where feelings and memories can come forward.”
The hypnosis state allows you to let go of anger, grudges, and resentments and by doing so, people can break the family patterns or behavioral patterns they have fallen into.
“It allows you to experience life in the present and experience greater peace and greater joy in life going forward,” said Miller. “Hypnosis is like a deep relaxation and this is really therapeutic. This is a method to slow down, relax, and take stock of things. It’s allowing you to get in touch with your deeper self and bring forward the things you need to pay attention to.”
Miller said that some people will experience the deep relaxation the first time and others may not experience it for a few sessions.
“It’s still a work in process for me and I benefit from taking others through it,” said Miller.
Miller has always had a passion for helping others whether through his position at Job and Family Services or through his profession as a life coach.
“I’m reaching a deeper level of understanding of people and reaching a deeper level of passion,” said Miller. “My philosophy has always been that everyone has worth and value and we’re all equal as people. We’re all on a journey and all have issues to work on.”
Miller said he enjoys seeing his clients grow and experience more joy in their lives.
“I enjoy seeing people grow, learn, and be inspired and encouraged,” said Miller. “I enjoy seeing them achieve more joy, peace, and love in their lives than what they had before. I enjoy seeing people have a better quality of life than what they had before and helping them on their journey.”
For those who would like to try a session with Miller, he suggests contacting someone who has been through the hypnosis. Kristy Turner Miller, owner of Alternative Therapies and Massage, could direct you to a client of Terry’s. She can be reached at 740-622-6330. Terry said that some people come for just one session while others come repeatedly.
Terry also has some advice for people who may be considering changing careers.
“Take time away and do meditation,” said Terry. “Start journaling what your strengths and weaknesses are, what you’re feeling you’re called to do, what you have a passion for. Go for walks to get some fresh air. Walking helps stimulate thinking.”
Terry can be reached by calling Alternative Therapies and Massage at the number above. He does individual counselling but is also open to couples as well. He does not diagnose or treat mental illness. Gift certificates are available.
Read more stories like this one in our March – April Boomer Times.
Category: Business