Indian Mud Run rescheduled, but workdays for volunteers being organized
Event organizers were forced to push the Indian Mud Run back to August, but that isn’t stopping obstacle racing enthusiasts from pitching in and helping out.



“On May 26 they opened up non-contact sports, which would have been a month out from our race,” said Hubie Cushman, event organizer. “We were hopeful we’d still be able to have the race on June 27 with social distancing and starting people in smaller groups. The health department shut that down though.”
The backup date for the Ninth annual Indian Mud Run is Saturday, Aug. 22, but there is still plenty of work that needs done to prepare the course.
“The main problem right now is that so much of the prep work gets done with the help of the Coshocton County Sheriff’s Office trustees,” Cushman said. “Usually they are glad to get out and are good workers. We get a lot done with their help. Without their help now some of the course is in bad shape as far as growth. It needs trimmed and cleaned up, but we don’t have the manpower.”
To help solve the problem workdays have been scheduled. The first was held on May 30 and by volunteering four hours of their time participants earned the chance to train on the course.
“We are going to try to have one (workday) each month up until the race,” Cushman said.
People from all over, including some surrounding states, were scheduled to attend the first workday.
“I think the farthest someone said they were driving was eight hours to work so they can play on our obstacles,” Cushman said.
He greatly appreciates everyone’s help.
“People want to get out of the house and do things,” Cushman said. “With gyms opening up you can go lift weights, but there is really no place to do obstacles. Most courses are traveling, but ours is a fixed course so you can come here to train and do things you can’t do at a gym.”
Everyone who already registered for the Indian Mud Run was made aware of the date changes. Options also were presented to those who cannot attend on the new date.
“Every race out there has been postponed or canceled and there are only so many dates available to reschedule them,” Cushman said. “A lot of people are going to have to pick between races they registered for. We’ve offered people the chance to defer to next year at no cost.”
Fifty to 60 people have already said they can’t make this year’s race with it being rescheduled to August.
“Our numbers are going to be down because of people not wanting to travel or having conflicts with the date,” Cushman said.
However, those who can attend can expect to find around 80 obstacles on this year’s Indian Mud Run course.
“We try to add a few new things every year,” he said. That’s what brings people from all over the country. Very few races have the number and quality of obstacles we have. A funny thing they say in obstacle racing is that the ground is lava. You can’t touch it. You want to get from point A to point B without touching the ground. Obstacle racing is adults that didn’t grow up and still want to get out and play on the playground.”
For more on the Indian Mud Run, look them up on Facebook or visit
Category: People & Places